Normal distribution. 68.27%. It's a fascinating number. Number of hours slept. Number of times someone knocks on a door. Number of times you roll over in bed. Your salary. Your number of bedrooms in your home. Most people will have or do all these things within a very narrow band. 68.27% of any population actually.
From day 1, when you are born, statisticians put you into the curve. Whether it's your weight, your height, your smarts, your money or your death. It all fits on the curve somewhere.
Normal is good. You're just like everyone else, no one is going to question you, because you're part of the 68.27% of the population.
Normal is safe.
Most advice is normal.
What's funny is that normal is so different for different people. Normally it's whoever you're brought up with. Researchers call this the 'normalisation period' when you are 'teaming.' In reality, it's about fitting in. People like people like themselves, and most of all people like to be liked.
I think it's more important to build your own normal. For me, that means I want to see as many groups, teams, people and have as many experiences as possible.
For some people they might be happy with their normal, and they'll either never want, or never will go out and explore the possibilities. Me? I kind of envy these guys, but also... I kind of don't.
Flickr Cred: viasta2
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